Friday, 28 October 2011

Kerry Barnes Artist

Today I took Joey to Orpington and came across a little gallery called Art Style. I just had to stop and sit for a while looking at the artwork on display.

The work dominating the gallery was that of Kerry Barnes an abstract Resin artist with a background in science and microbiology, merging science with her art.

It flowed like it was alive, spilling across the Canvas, pulling you in closer and closer, wanting to touch it, feel the texture. It has a silky sheen and liquid effect, due to the media being resin, although there are multiple colours and in some places even glitter. Where some of them appear to be very feminine in colours and shapes, there are also masculine pieces.

A few of the names of her pieces include:
Atom which is actually my favourite piece form those displayed.
War of the Worlds
Sea Dragon, which despite the fluidity of the piece you could see the dragon trying to pull itself from the canvas.
Mars, brown and gold colours on a black canvas, reminding me of the chocolate mars with its marshmallow and caramel interior.

Prices do not exceed £420 and are very reasonable when you take into account the materials and time of both mixing, pouring, merging and drying of each piece.

Take a look at both the links I have provided above and see for yourself what an amazing artist this lovely lady is.

Another link for the Artist:

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